Baptism as an Adult: My Personal Story of Faith and Community

I’m excited to share my baptism story with you today. Let’s get started! 🙂 


I attend Grace Bible Church, and recently, I felt a strong nudge from God to be baptized again—this time as an adult. For Christians, baptism is a public declaration of our faith in Jesus Christ. It’s a symbol of dying to our old selves and being raised into a new life in Him. Baptism is about grace and a renewed commitment to live for Him. This moment represents a new step in my walk with Jesus, and I’m grateful to be sharing this part of my journey.

baptism as an adult
A Lifelong Faith with New Depth   I grew up in Ecuador, in a deeply Catholic environment. Like many, I was baptized as a baby, and from a young age, I believed in Jesus. But belief alone wasn’t the full picture. As I’ve matured, I’ve realized that faith is not a one-time decision but a journey of continually seeking Jesus.
Karla Torres' First Communion

Embracing Growth, Not Perfection


I want to be honest: I am far from perfect, and that’s okay. Following Jesus doesn’t erase my flaws or make life without challenges, but it helps me face them with hope and strength. My faith keeps me anchored, guiding me back to Jesus when I need it most. It’s not about getting everything right but growing closer to Him, even through my missteps.

baptism as an adult

A Deeper Connection with Jesus


Over the past few years, my relationship with God has deepened. It’s no longer just about knowing Him but about surrendering to His plan. Jesus has become my constant and my strength, offering a peace that carries me through whatever life brings.

baptism as an adult

Finding Strength in Community


One of the greatest blessings in this season has been the community around me. Last year, I joined a program called Rooted, which helped me explore my faith more deeply and connect with others on their own spiritual paths. Through this, I’ve found a group of people who have become like family, reminding me that faith is something we share and support each other through.

baptism as an adult

God’s Steadfast Presence


Life brings its ups and downs, and I’ve faced my own set of challenges. But through everything, God has been there, guiding me and holding me steady. His love and faithfulness have carried me through the tough times, reminding me that I am never alone in this journey.

baptism as an adult

Why I’m Getting Baptized Again


So why am I here, ready to be baptized again? Because I want to openly declare my commitment to Jesus. I felt God calling me to make this declaration again as an adult, fully aware of what it means. It’s my way of saying that I will continue to follow Him and trust Him with my life—whatever comes my way.

baptism as an adult

I’m deeply thankful for the gift of salvation and the chance to live fully for Him. This is a new chapter, one filled with hope, growth, and a deeper love for Jesus.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story. I hope it encourages you to reflect on your own faith journey and how God is working in your life. More than anything, I hope it inspires you to love and follow Jesus. The world needs more love, and we can be that love by walking with Him.
because knowing is everything